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Monday, January 12, 2015

Cat : How to Set Up for the First Few Days

Pick a quiet, small to medium room for your cat to stay in for the first 7-10 days.

Why: Your cat has likely been living in a confined space while he has been at the animal shelter. Opening up an entire home can be overwhelming to your new cat. Some cats will adjust faster than others, so adjust to your cat’s temperament. Do not be alarmed if the cat is less affectionate, eats and drinks less, hides, or ever acts somewhat aggressive when you first bring him home – he is simply stressed. Give him time to get used to you and your home. If your cat is not eating, drinking, or defecating within the fi rst few days, try offering him some canned food to stimulate his appetite. If this does not work, please consult Found Animals, your Veterinarian,or your behaviorist.

In this room, include the litter box, food, and water.
Why: By setting up your cat in this single room, he will know where to find his litter box, food, and water. It will also decrease the chances of any litter box related problems. Visit the cat regularly throughout this adjustment period. If there are children in the home, be sure to monitor their interaction with the cat and remind them to keep calm and quiet around them.

Provide your cat with plenty of hiding places.
Why: All cats enjoy their hiding places. This can be under furniture, a cardboard box, or a special cat bed. Do not be alarmed if your new cat hides for most of the day when you fi rst bring him home – just make sure that he is eating, drinking, and defecating regularly and give him time to adjust to his new home. Be sure to let children know to leave the cat alone whenever the cat chooses to hide.

SLOWLY begin opening up your home to the new cat once they seem adjusted to their room.
DO NOT force the cat to explore the rest of your home. It is important to move forward at the cat’s pace. Keep the litter box, food, and water in the original room so that the cat knows where to find those items. Be sure to keep another litter box available in the home just in case your cat needs it while exploring. This is another way to reduce the chances of any litter box related problems.
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