• Too much time in the crate: If not used correctly, your dog can feel trapped and anxious while in their crate and the benefits of crate training will be lost. You dog should not be crated for more than 40% of their day. You dog should not be kept in the crate all day and all night. Puppies under six months of age should not spend any more than three or four hours in the crate because of their small bladders.
• Whining: At first, it may be difficult to determine if your dog is whining because he wants out or if he is whining because he needs a potty break. If you work to avoid reinforcing the former, it will increase the likelihood of the latter. Do not reward your dog for whining (by letting him out or paying him attention) and do not punish him by yelling at him. The best thing to do if your dog is simply whining is to ignore him. If you suspect that your dog is whining because he needs to eliminate, use the phrase he associates with potty breaks and see if the whining stops or if he gets excited. If so, take him out to eliminate but do not play with him as sole purpose of this trip should be eliminating.

Consult a professional behaviorist and your veterinarian in order to work out a treatment plan.
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