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Monday, January 12, 2015

Preparing for Disaster: What to Keep Prepared for Your Cat

Your pet depends on you for everything, so when disaster strikes, you must be prepared on their behalf.

Here is a checklist of what you should have prepared:

Pet carrier
Two week supply of food and water
Litter and litter box
Food and water bowls
Prescriptions, medications, and dosing instructions
Medical records
Proof of ownership (licensing and microchip paperwork)
Veterinarian and emergency clinic contacts
Plastic bags for waste disposal
Toys and treats
Pet fi rst-aid kit
Printed “lost” flyers, complete with photo and contact information

Pet first-aid kits are available for both dogs and cats at local pet supply stores as well as through your
Red Cross. They contain a wide range of supplies made specifically for your cat that could potentially save your pet’s life. Do not, under any circumstances, administer medication designed for humans to your pet unless under the instruction of a veterinarian. For example, aspirin can be particularly harmful to your cat. We also suggest that you keep an emergency supply of printed “lost” flyers just in case you are separated from your pet when disaster strikes. Be sure to keep them up to date with recent photos and the correct contact information.
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