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Monday, January 12, 2015

Toys: Enriching Your Cat’s Environment

It is important for you to keep your cat well exercised and mentally stimulated to ensure that your cat keeps healthy and happy. Here is a list of toys and other items that can help you keep your cat entertained:

• Self-play toys: this includes a wide variety of balls, springs, and wall-mounted cat dancers. Another option is a food-dispensing toy, which are great because they keep your cat motivated and forces them to work for their food.

• Interactive toys: these toys enable you to play with your cat and help strengthen your bond. This type of toy includes cat dancers and laser pointers.

• Perches and catteries: these enable you cat to get the benefits of being outdoors without the associated dangers! Your cat will be able to see, hear, and potentially smell the outdoors which will keep them visually and mentally stimulated.

• Scratching posts: provide your cat with appropriate scratching materials so as to avoid damage to your furniture. Watch for your cat’s scratching preferences (horizontal, vertical, or diagonal as well as type of material) so that you can purchase a type of scratching post your cat will actually use. Teaching your cats tricks is also a wonderful way to exercise and entertain your cat. Using positive reinforcement, such as clicker training, you can train your cat to do tricks like “sit,” “down,” “up,” “wave,” and even to walk on a leash.
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