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Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Dogs : Common Household Hazards

There are food and common household items that can be dangerous to your new dog. They should be stored safely beyond their reach in locked cabinets or away from reach. There are more comprehensive lists available online; however what follows is a list of the most common household hazards:

Not all food consumed by humans are safe for pets. Here is a list of foods that can be hazardous:
Alcoholic beverages Caffeine
Chocolate Fatty foods
Chicken and turkey bones Grapes and raisins
Onions Macadamia nuts
Salt and sugar Yeast dough
Be conscious of the everyday items that are poisonous to your dog and keep them secured:
All medications Anfreeze
Rodent poison Batteries
Car care products Fertilizer
Household cleaners Nicotine products
Insecticides Pools and ponds

If your pet ingests a dangerous substance, don’t hesitate.Call the Emergencies or your veterinarian.
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